Reduce Suffering To Live More Happily

Lifehack #2 of 7

Suffering Is Implicit In This World

Unfortunately, if you will. Kids do not know. And it only dawns slowly on younger folks.

Suffering Is Implicit In This World

The human condition requires people to bother, to compete and cooperate to sustain life and the next generation.

Life Is Not A Slam-Dunk

For no one, no matter their status.  Many, many have it worse than you.

Life Is Not A Slam-Dunk

Even the powerful and wealthy have nightmares of losing it all. Many need to keep themselves going with substitutes of love.

Life Is Not A Slam-Dunk

Driven by instinct and desires, humans seek happiness by consuming and glossing over their pains.

Neither Is Life A Child's Play

Aiming squarely at one's happiness and making it the ultimate goal is a common mistake.

Neither Is Life A Child's Play

The modernist society of this age alienates more than it allows for natural happiness.

Happiness Is The Absense Of Suffering In The First Place

Says Arthur Schopenhauer, a famous German philosopher of the 19th Century.

A Well-Lived Life Faces The Roots Of Suffering

And to live well is to moralize little and love much.

A Well-Lived Life Faces The Roots Of Suffering

'Confront and remove the roots of suffering,' says Schopenhauer.

Living And Loving For The Sake Of Others

There really is no cause for extreme self-sacrifice or glorious individualism.

Living And Loving For The Sake Of Others

Noticing one's own suffering and that of all others is what makes for compassion.

Living And Loving For The Sake Of Others

Addressing one's own and the common suffering together is feasible and worthwhile.

Living And Loving For The Sake Of Others

Happiness might surely follow.